
Synopsis: During the night, a teenage girl is taking a taxi ride to the neighboring town. After a disturbing ride, and an even worse night at a friends birthday party, she is forced to return home with a menacing taxi driver who insists on her sitting in the front seat next to him.

Director Statement

Many years after elementary school, I ran into my close friend from these times, who told me her story of a rape attempt that happened when we were both thirteen years old. I was horrified when I realized that the taxi driver who tried to rape her is still working in the neighbourhood of our hometown. I could not stop thinking about the details of her story, and the fact that I, as well as none of the other friends in the class, never heard about what happened. That is why I felt the need to tell this story and dedicate it to her, as well as to attempt to deal with the problem of distrust on the part of society towards victims.

Even though most of the elements of the film serve a realist perspective, the goal of the film is not to be objective. Because the role of Saška is so important for the story, the narrative is told in consideration of her position, but not using her point of view.

Director Biography - Danilo Stanimirović

Danilo is a young filmmaker, teacher and conceptual artist from Požarevac, Serbia. His short films were screened at festivals around the world and won numerous awards. Currently, he is on master studies for directing at FDU, and TV series at FMK in Belgrade, where he works as a teacher associate.