Crow Man
Synopsis: In the middle of the dark woods, next to a lake, a little girl and her grandpa live together in a small wooden cabin. The old man is ill and slowly passing away. Death, a bizarre creature, is coming for him. The little girl knows it, and wants to confront death and kill it.
Directors’ Statement - Yohann Abdelnour
Yohann Abdelnour, a 23-year-old Lebanese 2D animator/Illustrator, obtained his masters from ALBA. He worked as a board artist at Powerhouse Animation Studios (2022-2023) and a 2D animator on "Le Monde va à la guerre et moi j’en reviens" (2022). Yohann was also a lead 2D animator on "Let’s go home" (2020), among other projects. His goal is to share captivating stories through drawing and animation.